Jose Erazo

Inca Link Ecuador  |  El Hormiguero |  Director 

El Hormiguero disciples young people while sharing the Gospel. Volunteers deliver food and support the education of vulnerable families.

Jose Erazo

Inca Link Ecuador  |  El Hormiguero |  Director 

El Hormiguero disciples young people while sharing the Gospel. Volunteers deliver food and support the education of vulnerable families.

Donations to Jose Erazo

To donate, choose the amount you wish to donate and then click on the Pay with PayPal button. This will take you to a page where the chosen amount will be selected. Simply select the ‘Pay with PayPal account’ or ‘Make donation with debit or credit card’ button.

Donations to Jose Erazo

To donate, choose the amount you wish to donate and then click on the Pay with PayPal button. This will take you to a page where the chosen amount will be selected. Simply select the ‘Pay with PayPal account’ or ‘Make donation with debit or credit card’ button.

Jose Erazo

Inca Link Ecuador  |  El Hormiguero |  Director 

El Hormiguero disciples young people while sharing the Gospel. Volunteers deliver food and support the education of vulnerable families.

Donations to Jose Erazo

To donate, choose the amount you wish to donate and then click on the Pay with PayPal button. This will take you to a page where the chosen amount will be selected. Simply select the ‘Pay with PayPal account’ or ‘Make donation with debit or credit card’ button.
